Peace Agreements

Peace Agreements between the Government of the Congo and CNR

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Parties: High Command of the Public Forces of the Republic of the Congo (mandated by the Government); High Command of Self-Defence Resistance Forces (FADR) (mandated by the Conseil National de la Resistance (CNR)

Type: Intra-state

Accord de cessez-le-feu et de cessation des hostilités entre le Haut Commandement de la Force Publique et le Haut Commandement des Forces d’Autodéfense de la Résistance (FADR)

29 December 1999

Accords de paix et de cessation des hostilités dans le département de Pool

17 March 2003

The Parties to the 1999 Agreement recognised that without peace the country cannot preserve and consolidate national unity or promote democracy and development, and that the restoration and preservation of peace requires the establishment of a national dialogue. The Accord provided for the promulgation of a law of general amnesty. It required the free movement of people and goods and the reintegration of the former militias into the national armed forces and public service. The Accord further provided for the establishment of a National Commission responsible for the Reorganisation of the Public Force. It further provided for the return to school and university of pupils who were prevented from attending due to the war and the release of all prisoners of war. The Parties agreed to obtain national and international assistance to finance micro-projects for reinsertion and retraining of elements of the FADR. The Parties agreed to encourage all initiatives which contribute to the preservation of peace in the Republic of Congo and called for practice of moderation and tolerance to be strictly observed by both the public and private media. The Parties also recommended that the mediator arrange an inclusive National Dialogue for lasting peace and democracy.

In the Agreement relating to the Pool region, the CNR committed to not create any obstacle to the rehabilitation of the authority of the State in Pool, the free movement of people and goods, the redeployment of the police and elections in the Pool region. The Government committed to the extension of the amnesty act to apply to the CNR in Pool and the professional and socio-economic reintegration of ex-combatants, in particular through recruitment into the public force, subject to availability and compliance with criteria. The Agreement provided for the establishment of peace commissions in the Pool towards implementation of this Agreement.

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