According to its founding treaty, aim of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) is to promote and strengthen harmonious cooperation and balanced and self-sustained development in all fields of economic and social activity, particularly in the fields of industry, transport and communications, energy agriculture, natural resources, trade, customs, monetary and financial matters, human resources, tourism, education, further training, culture, science and technology and the movement of persons, in order to achieve collective self-reliance, raise the standard of living of its peoples, increase and maintain economic stability, foster close and peaceful relations between member states and contribute to the progress and development of the African continent.

Treaty Establishing the Economic Community of Central African States

English | French

The Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), which consists of 11 Central African countries, was formed to promote economic and social cooperation among the member states. The treaty spells out ECCAS’ objectives and declares the creation of several institutions designed to meet these objectives. Article 3 of the treaty obliges member states to commit to the principle of “non-use of force to settle disputes,” while Article 16 establishes a Court of Justice designed to ensure the application of the treaty.

ECCAS Protocol Relating to the Council for Peace and Security in Africa

English (pp. 179-182)

This protocol establishes the Council for Peace and Security in Africa (COPAX), a regional body designed to manage peace and security among Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) member states. Adopted in 2000 and implemented in 2004, the protocol puts forward several measures that ECCAS may use to establish peace, including the deployment of civilian and military missions to combat security threats. The protocol contains some measures related to transitional justice. Article 4 includes an objective to ensure “collective management of the problem of displaced persons, ex-combatants and refugees.” A central instrument of the protocol is the Central African Multinational Force (FOMAC), a joint force consisting of military, police and civilian modules of ECCAS member states. FOMAC may be used not only for combat or policing purposes but also for missions related to disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration programmes and the general restoration of peace, as discussed in Article 24.

Standing Orders of the ECCAS Central African Early Warning System

English (pp. 272-275)

This document establishes and defines the Central African Early Warning System (MARAC), which, according to Article 1, is “a mechanism for the observation, monitoring and prevention of crises and conflicts” in the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS). Section 2, Article 2, establishes the various organs of MARAC, which include a decentralised structure comprised of national networks of “governmental and legislative organs, agencies of international organisations, NGOs [nongovernmental organisations], civil society, members of academic and research institutions.” According to Section 4, Article 11, these networks are responsible for data collection on indicators related to peace and security in particular subregions. Bodies such as this may be useful for transitional justice practitioners as they essentially serve as localised fact-finding missions in relation to conflict and crisis.

Standing Orders of the ECCAS Defence and Security Commission


This document establishes the Commission on Defence and Security (CDS) as an advisory organ comprised of various representatives of the militaries and ministries of Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) member states. The CDS was created to advise the Council for Peace and Security in Africa (COPAX) on whether there is a need for a given military operation and to advise COPAX on policies related to conflict prevention and management.

Standing Orders of the ECCAS Central African Multinational Force


This document establishes and defines the mission of the Central African Multinational Force (FOMAC), which, according to Article 1, is a force consisting of various military, police and civilian units of Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) member states. Article 2 lists FOMAC’s responsibilities, which include not only military and police offensives but also missions related to the “restoration of peace” and “peacebuilding, disarmament and demobilizations.” Article 11 states that FOMAC missions shall conform to the principles of international humanitarian law. Article 25 states that FOMAC fulfils several roles, including “coordinating the activities of subregional and international organisations, including NGOs involved in humanitarian relief and peace-building in the mission area.”

ECCAS Action Plan for the Implementation of the Central Africa Gender Responsive Regional Strategy for Risk Prevention, Disaster Management and Climate Change Adaptation


This Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) action plan is designed to assist member states with developing mechanisms to manage states of disaster, such as droughts and flooding, through a gender lens. The reasons for applying this lens are varied, but they include that states of disaster often affect women and men differently, and that women need to be actively integrated into risk management strategies as they are both important agents of risk management and underrepresented in this area. Section 2, Priority 4, of the action plan discusses the importance of “building back better” in terms of “recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction” following states of disaster. Among other factors, this includes integrating women’s voices in post-disaster coordination efforts and identifying and addressing gender-specific needs.

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