Peace Agreements

Uganda Peace Talks Agreement for the Restoration of Peace to the Sovereign State of the Republic of Uganda

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Parties: Military Government of Uganda; National Resistance Movement (NRM)

Type: Intra-state

Uganda Peace Talks Agreement for the Restoration of Peace to the Sovereign State of the Republic of Uganda

17 December 1985

The Parties to the Peace Talks agreed on the establishment of a Military Council as the supreme organ of government in Uganda and consisting of representatives of the combatant forces, including Uganda National Liberation Army, National Resistance Army, Uganda Freedom Movement, Federal Democratic Movement, Former Uganda National Army and the Uganda National Rescue Front. The political parties that took part in the 1980 election may be represented on the Military Council in a mode decided on by the Council. Provision was made for the competencies of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Military Council as well as the procedures of the Military Council. The Parties agreed on the need for a code of conduct for political leaders and public officers.

The Parties agreed to establish a New National Force composed of soldiers of all the combatant forces, which would have the aim of ensuring security, supervise voluntary laying down of arms, recruit and train the New National Army (NNA) and serve as the first batch of the NNA. The Parties agreed that combatants not incorporated into the New National Force or Army would have priority for service in the police, prisons and other security services. The NNA would be broad-based and representative of the country as a whole. The Parties agreed that all persons who served in responsible positions in Idi Amin’s regime and were known to have committed atrocities or heinous crimes would be punished according to the law, and would not be eligible to join the NNA, with all other soldiers of the national forces carefully screened for inclusion in the NNA. The Parties agreed that the Military Council would convene a National Conference to discuss inter alia the future constitutional framework, elections and the national army. The Parties agreed that free and fair general elections would be held as soon as practicable.

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