Peace Agreements

Doha Document for Peace in Darfur

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Parties: Government of Sudan; Movements parties to the Doha Peace Process

Type: Intra-state

Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD)

31 May 2011

The Parties recognised the importance of promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms of all people of Darfur, and the duties of the Government of Sudan (GoS), the Darfur Regional Authority (DRA) and the Governments of the States of Darfur to guarantee human rights. The Parties agreed to foster the participation of the people of Darfur in the planning, designing and implementing programmes of early recovery, reconstruction and rehabilitation in Darfur, with the needs of women, children and vulnerable groups given due consideration. The GoS would ensure the establishment and effective functioning of the newly created National Human Rights Commission and establish Human Rights sub-committees for Darfur to monitor, protect and promote human rights. The Parties agreed on General Principles of power sharing, including return of refugees and IDPs, a federal system of government, fair and equitable representation of all citizens in government institutions, transformation of the Movements into political parties and addressing the under-representation of women. The Parties agreed to power sharing at the national level, including in the national executive, legislature, judiciary, civil service and armed forces.

The Parties also agreed on the Administrative status of Darfur and power sharing within Darfur. The Parties agreed to establish the Darfur Regional Authority (DRA) with broad competencies and the mandate to promote peace and security, socio-economic development and justice, and reconciliation and healing. The Parties agreed that the permanent administrative status of Darfur would be determined through a referendum. The Parties also agreed on representation of the Movements at State and Local levels and representation of students from Darfur in national universities. The Movements would be adequately represented in the National Constitutional Review Commission for the drafting of a permanent Constitution.

The Agreement set out the Principles for wealth sharing, including fiscal federalism and equitable sharing of Sudan’s wealth, the right to balanced development of all parts of Sudan, and the equal rights of all Sudanese to inter alia freedom from hunger, access to health and social services, quality education and property rights. The Parties also agreed on the need for affirmative action and that Darfur is in urgent and dire need of rehabilitation, reconstruction and development of physical and social infrastructure, which would be considered a priority. The Parties agreed on sound economic policies based on promotion of price stability, raising employment levels, promotion of sustainable economic development and eradication of poverty, with a specific focus on Darfur women. The Parties agreed on taking necessary measures to reform, restructure and rectify the imbalances in the Darfur Reconstruction and Development Fund. The GoS would enable the people of Darfur to be represented through their State Governments in all phases of decision making relating to the development and exploitation of natural resources in Darfur. Provision was also made for the management and development of the petroleum sector. General principles were laid down for compensation, restitution and voluntary return of refugees and IDPs and for creating conditions suitable for return, to be supervised by the Voluntary Return and Resettlement Commission.

The Parties agreed on general principles for justice and reconciliation. The Parties agreed on the importance of establishing justice in Darfur in order to consolidate peace, including by increasing the number of courts and judicial personnel as well as mobile courts. The Government would designate a national day for peace and non-violence in Darfur. The Parties identified the root causes of the conflict and how the reconciliation process would address them, and agreed on the establishment of an independent Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission. The Parties agreed to call upon the Sudanese Judiciary to establish a Special Court for Darfur, which would have jurisdiction over gross violations of human rights and serious violations of international humanitarian law committed in Darfur since February 2003. The Parties agreed on the granting of a general amnesty, except in cases of war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes of genocide, crimes of sexual violence and gross violations of human rights and humanitarian law.

The Parties agreed that all armed militia groups would be disarmed and disbanded and agreed that a DDR and integration process would take place, with social and economic reintegration opportunities provided by the government. An agreed number of eligible combatants from the Movements’ forces would be integrated into the SAF and the Sudan police force. The Parties agreed that a Darfur Internal Dialogue and Consultation would be undertaken with the aim to, through popular consultation and dialogue, seek to consolidate peace in Darfur, promote confidence building and encourage reconciliation and unity among the people of Darfur and Sudan in general.

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