Peace Agreements

1996 Political Charter

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Parties: Government of Sudan; South Sudan Independence Movement (SSIM/A); Sudan People Liberation Movement–Bahrel Ghazal Group (SPLM–BGG)

Type: Intra-state

1996 Political Charter

10 April 1996

The Parties to the 1996 Political Charter pledged to put an end to the ongoing civil war in the Sudan, and agreed on the following provisions: to resolve the conflict in the Sudan through peaceful and political means; to preserve the unity of Sudan; at the end of the interim period, to enable a referendum by the people of the southern Sudan to determine their political aspirations; to ensure participatory democracy and a federal system; to ensure citizenship as the basis for rights and duties; to enable Sharia and customary law as sources for legislation, but with states having complementary legislative powers; to recognise cultural diversity; to ensure freedom of religion and belief; to ensure social development; and to ensure equitable sharing of power and national wealth. The Parties agreed to the establishment of a coordinating council between the Southern States for better implementation of the Agreement, and to work together for improvement of living conditions in the war-affected areas. The Parties agreed that Sudanese in general and Southerners in particular would be mobilised to rally behind and support the subsequent peace agreement.

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