Peace Agreements

Agreement Establishing a Final Peace between the Government of the Republic of Niger and ORA

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Parties: Government of the Republic of Niger; Organisation of Armed Resistance (ORA)

Type: Intra-state

Accord établissant une paix définitive entre le Gouvernement de la République du Niger et l’Organisation de la Résistance Armée

15 April 1995

The Parties agreed to complete the peace agreement started with the Ouagadougou Agreement of 1994 and to give populations the responsibility of managing their own affairs through a free administration of local authorities based on the principles of decentralisation and deconcentration. The Parties agreed that the territorial division, the organisation and the powers of the territorial communities will be those defined by the law on the basis of the work of the Special Commission responsible for reflecting on the administrative division of the Republic of Niger, in accordance with the Ouagadougou Agreement, and endowed with Councils or Assemblies, elected by universal suffrage. The Parties agreed to establish a Special Peace Committee, which would be responsible for the implementation and dissemination of the Agreement to the Nigerien people, overseeing DDR and implementing the programme of emergency and economic, social and cultural development strategies in this Agreement, including for job creation in areas affected by the conflict. The Parties agreed to the recruitment of demobilised elements of the ORA in the Public Administration, the Defence and Security Forces, State Corporations, high school and university, and development projects. The Parties agreed that a general amnesty would be decided in favour of elements of the ORA and elements of the defence force and State for all acts committed as a result of the conflict prior to the date of signature of the Agreement. The Government would institute a commemorative day of national reconciliation in memory of the victims of the conflict. The Government undertook to take all the necessary measures in order to pursue and accelerate investment efforts in rural development, including: livestock and agricultural development; mining industry; social and cultural development through investment in health and education, including in local languages and culture, through the creation of cultural centres; and services, including transport and communications, tourism and public administration. The Government committed to support the decentralisation policy with a regional planning policy.

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