Parties: Government of Côte d’Ivoire; Mouvement populaire ivoirien du Grand Ouest (MPIGO); Mouvement pour la justice et pour la paix (MJP); Patriotic Movement of Côte d’Ivoire (MPCI); FPI; MFA; MJP; PDCI-RDA; PIT; RDR; UDCY; UDPCI
Type: Intra-state
The Parties to the Linas-Marcoussis Agreement agreed to immediately establish a Government of National Reconciliation made up of representatives appointed by each of the Parties and charged with strengthening the independence of the justice system, restoring the administration and public services and rebuilding the country. The Government is also tasked with restructuring the defence and security forces and ensuring amnesty for all military personnel. However, the amnesty law will under no circumstances mean that serious economic, human rights and humanitarian law violations will go unpunished.
The Parties agreed to establish a timetable for the holding of transparent and credible elections. The Annex further provides for a Programme of the Government of National Reconciliation, including in relation to citizenship and naturalisation, status of foreign nationals, impartiality of voter lists, public funding of political parties, impartiality of the media during elections, security of rural land tenure, a regime regulating the press to address challenges of incitement of hatred and xenophobia, establishment of a National Human Rights Commission and establishment of an independent investigative body on serious human rights violations committed since 19 September 2002. Based on the report of this body, the Government will determine which cases should be brought to justice in order to put an end to impunity and also take steps to compensate and rehabilitate victims. The Government would also have a duty to take measures to disarm and demobilise forces, with all recruits enlisted after 19 September immediately demobilised, and ensure social reintegration of military personnel. The new Government will further have a duty to develop a plan for infrastructure reconstruction and development, national economic recovery and strengthening of social cohesion, and ensuring the necessary constitutional, legislative and regulatory reforms.
The Accra II Accords highlighted challenges in implementing the Linas-Marcoussis Agreement, particularly in the formation of the Government of National Reconciliation. The Parties agreed to set up a balanced new Government. With a view to promoting the spirit of national reconciliation, the Parties appealed to socio-political actors and to the media to commit to supporting the process of implementing the Marcoussis Accord.
In the Accra III Accords related to the implementation Marcoussis and Accra II Accords, the Parties committed to the commencement of demobilisation, disarmament and reintegration including all paramilitary and militia groups by 15 October 2004. The Parties further agreed on the urgency of resuming the work of the Government of National Reconciliation. The Parties recognised that restoration of long-term peace and stability requires respect for human rights and the rule of law. In this regard, they agreed to cooperate fully with the International Commission of Inquiry, which had been established in accordance with the Linas-Marcoussis Agreement to look into the human rights violations committed since the beginning of the crisis on 19 September 2002. They also agreed that the National Human Rights Commission should be established.