Peace Agreements

National Political Dialogue of the Republic of Guinea

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Parties: Government of Guinea; opposition

Type: Intra-state

Dialogue politique inter-Guinéen

12 October 2016

The Parties agreed, in relation to electoral list, to carry out an audit and make recommendations for cleaning it up. In relation to municipal elections, the Parties provided for measures to address the complexity of local elections. The Parties also invited the National Assembly to revise the Electoral Code. The Parties in addition called for the revision of the law establishing and regulating the functioning and composition of the Independent National Electoral Commission, building on the proposals of the opposition. The Parties reaffirmed the principle of neutrality in the public administration and expressed support for equitable access to the media and public spaces by all political candidates. The Parties reaffirmed respect for fundamental rights, including freedom of expression, assembly and movement. In relation to violent acts during the protests organised by the opposition during the 2013 election, the Government would open proceedings in relation to offenses committed. People arrested and sentenced during the protests would be released, except those convicted of ‘blood crimes’, in which parties call for diligent procedures to apply. The Parties agreed on the establishment of the 2013 Political Demonstrations Victims Compensation Funds, which would compensate the families of the deceased and people who were physically wounded, and a separate fund for those who were affected by looting. The Parties further called for the establishment of a High Court of Justice.

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