Peace Agreements

ECOWAS Peace Plan for Sierra Leone

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Sierra Leone

Parties: Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Ministerial Committee of Five on Sierra Leone; Military Junta (Armed Forces Revolutionary Council) of Major Johnny Paul Koromah

Type: Intra-state

Conakry Peace Plan

23 October 1997

Through the ECOWAS peace plan for Sierra Leone the Parties agreed to the reinstatement of the legitimate Government of President Tejan Kabbah within a period of six months, cessation of hostilities, DDR of combatants, return of refugees and IDPs, unconditional immunities and guarantees from prosecution to all involved in the events of 25 May 1997 and modalities for broadening the power base in Sierra Leone. The Parties recommended that the new Cabinet should be inclusive and that board and senior civil service appointments are to reflect the broad national character. All disarmed combatants would be provided with either job training to fit them for alternative employment or given scholarships and grants for further education, and would be provided with assistance to facilitate their reintegration into their communities.

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