Peace Agreements

Draft Constitutional Charter for the Transitional Stage

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Parties: Interim Transitional National Council of Libya

Type: Intra-state

Draft Constitutional Charter for the Transitional Stage

03 August 2011

The Draft Constitutional Charter aimed to establish a political democratic regime to be based upon the political multitude and multi-party system with a view to achieving a peaceful and democratic circulation of power. The Charter indicated that all Libyans would be equal before the law, enjoy equal civil and political rights and the same opportunities, and be subject to the same public duties and obligations. Human rights and basic freedoms would be respected.

The Charter stated that in the transitional period, the Interim Transitional National Council (ITNC) would be the supreme power in the State of Libya and undertake the works of the supreme sovereignty, including legislation and laying down the general policy of the State. The ITNC would consist of representatives of the Local Councils, and could add 10 additional members for the sake of national interest. The ITNC would elect the president and vice president. The general budget of the State would be issued by law and the ITNC would establish an Accounting Department, which would exercise financial control over all revenues, expenses and movable and immovable property belonging to the State. The ITNC would promulgate a law on electing the National Public Conference (NPC), appoint the National Supreme Commission for elections and invite nominees for the election of the NPC. Once the NPC is in place, it would have the duty to appoint ministers and formulate the draft Constitution, which would be submitted to a national referendum. A law on Public Elections would also be issued by the NPC and reform the National Supreme Commission for Elections.

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