Covering the period from decolonisation to 2020, this database provides an overview of peace agreements in Africa that contain components related to transitional justice.

As defined by the African Union Transitional Justice Policy (AUTJP), transitional justice encompasses “the various (formal and traditional or non-formal) policy measures and institutional mechanisms that societies, through an inclusive consultative process, adopt in order to overcome past violations, divisions and inequalities and to create conditions for both security and democratic and socio-economic transformation.” This database includes truth-seeking mechanisms, accountability mechanisms following on conflict or crisis periods, and political and institutional reforms. It also includes traditional justice, reparations, socioeconomic measures and recognition and restoration of the human rights of affected and vulnerable communities.

Peace processes are an indicative element of transitional justice. According to the AUTJP, they are “concerned with bringing an end to any ongoing violence and removing the threats of further violence impacting the affected population.” Peace negotiations and agreements ideally incorporate transitional justice considerations from the outset so as to positively influence the resolution of all dimensions of the conflict. This database focuses on peace agreements involving African states and national-level political players. Peace agreements at the subnational level and among non-state actors are not included, nor are agreements that relate only to ceasefires and their implementation or humanitarian aid.


Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali from the Algiers Processes

The Parties agreed that they wish to eliminate the root causes of the conflict, promote true national reconciliation based on a reconsideration of history to create national unity based on respect for diversity, and accelerate the economic, social and cultural development of the North of Mali. The Parties reiterated their commitment to various principles, including commitment to equitable development, rejection ...

Framework Agreement for the Implementation of the Solemn Commitment of 1 April 2012

The Parties agreed that while the Constitution requires an election within 40 days of the resignation of the president, due to the institutional crisis and the rebellion in the North, this would not be possible and a political transition must be put in place towards undertaking free, democratic and transparent elections in the whole territory. The Parties agreed to a ...

Kidal Region Peace Agreements

The Parties committed to the socio-economic development of the North, including the Kidal region, and to promoting the cultural diversity in Mali. The Parties agreed to establish a Regional Council, which would inter alia be consulted by the Government in elaborating draft laws specifically relating to Kidal. It would participate in ensuring good governance and better utilisation of regional and ...

Mali Inclusive Peace Talks

The Parties to the Ouagadougou Preliminary Agreement expressed their determination to find a just and sustainable political solution to the crisis in the North of Mali through dialogue and negotiation and to ensure equitable and equal socio-economic development in all regions of Mali, respectful of diversity. The Parties agreed to undertake the dialogue in two phases, before and after the ...

Northern Mali Peace Agreements

The Parties agreed that the Malian Armed Forces would limit themselves to their role of protecting the national integrity of the country, and that the combatants of the other Parties may be integrated into the Armed Forces on conditions to be agreed upon. All prisoners and hostages were to be released within 30 days ...

Northern Mali Peace Agreements

In the Preamble, the Parties agreed to reach a solution that takes into account the cultural, geographic and socio-economic diversities in Mali, and which consolidates national unity and integrity. They agreed to abide by the Constitution and respect for human rights, and defend the rights of women and children. The Government committed to remain respectful of the right of the ...
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